Trade & FAQs
Need some help with your order or have a burning question that needs to be answered? We’ve provided some answers to our most asked questions below.
If we haven’t answered your question below then please get in touch team@artisandrinks.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you use any artificial sweeteners in your products?
No, all ingredients used in our products are 100% natural and all sugar is Cane Sugar. For many of our products, we have 15% or less sugar than our competitors.
What pack sizes do you offer?
Both our cans and bottles are 200ml, and we are the only Mixer brand in the UK to sell in 200ml cans. We are particularly proud of that one! Typically, we sell 24 units in a case, however, we have some smaller packs on our online store.
Does your Tonic Water range contain Quinine?
Yes, our Tonic range contains Quinine. We use natural Quinine in our products and we try not to overpower to allow the other flavours and spirit to sing.
Does Mikey actually design all the products?
Yes! And we test everything in the Barber Shop on his customer base before giving the OK to start production!
Where else can I buy Artisan Drinks?
We continue to grow our distribution in the UK and now export to over 20 different countries. You can find us on Amazon, Ocado and many various drinks websites. We also have a big on-trade presence!
Where is my order?
Please allow 3-5 days for standard shipping. If it happens to be longer than this, or you have any questions please email us - team@artisandrinks.com.
Do you deliver outside of the UK?
For web orders, we unfortunately don’t at the moment. If you are looking for a larger, trade order then please see below.
My voucher code doesn’t work. Help!
That shouldn’t happen! Drop us a message at team@artisandrinks.com and we’ll look into it.
My order has arrived damaged.
We’re sorry that’s the case, unfortunately it happens from time to time when shipping liquid product. Drop us a message at team@artisandrinks.com and we’ll look into it.
What customer information do you store?
Artisan stores all the order information for each order you’ve placed with us. This will be stored on our system unless told otherwise. Any email addresses included in an order will also have been stored with us, but we’ll only ever use it for direct contact purposes. We don’t store any bank or credit card information for security reasons. For more information, please visit our privacy policy page.
What are Artisan Drinks Terms and Conditions?
This website is operated by the Artisan Drinks Company Limited. The terms, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Artisan Drinks. For full Terms of Service, please visit here.
I’d love to stock Artisan, but who do I contact?
We’d love to help! Drop us a message at team@artisandrinks.com and we’ll direct you to the correct member of our team.
Do you sponsor events?
Similar to above, we’re always interested in new opportunities. Drop us a line at team@artisandrinks.com and we’ll see what we can do!
Complete the form below and hit send to get in touch with us.